Exploring shapes and colours

At The Ode To we are always curious to learn more about creativity and artistry, so we asked Hanna Whitehead to tell us a little bit about her life, her art and her sources of inspiration.

What do you call your series of artworks?

– The series is called Dialog, because the ceramics have a visual conversation with the observer about their form, function, and material. The handles are placed onto a cylinder shape in various width and height. Depending on the placement the function is determined.

What technique have you used?

– Vessels, handles, and lids are all casted in separate molds and then put together in the process. That gives me the freedom to place the handles wherever I feel like that day. Sometimes they will affect the shape a bit because of their weight, but that’s part of the charm. I also use underglaze to make patterns and then glaze, or sometimes just glaze, to get some expressive and energetic colours.

What inspired you to create the artworks you have made for The Ode To?

– A special interest in handles and how they communicate the function of an object to us. Sometimes, just looking at the handles of an object, gives you a good idea of how you would move it, how much it weighs or how it could be used.

Can you tell us about your background and how you came to be an artist?

– I was born and raised in Reykjavík, Iceland. I discovered my passion for art & design in my twenties and went on to study in Iceland, Denmark and finally the Netherlands. I graduated from the Design Academy Eindhoven in 2011. Throughout my studies I indulged in different materials like metal, straw, textile, wood, and ceramics. I really love making things with my hands. The moments when I am making are my favourite – anything can happen.

How would you describe your art and aesthetics in three words?

– Colourful, material focused and expressive.

What other artists do you admire?

– I love the spirit of the Finnish duo "Company ", the precision of Sabine Marcelis and the amazing craft of Jonas Lutz. I love how Tinna Gunnarsdóttir thinks and the humour in Myriam Simard-Parent wood works. I dream of sleeping in a house made only out of Camilla Iliefski rugs! The list could go on for a while. I admire people who take their own road, and I think all the above do. 

What we love about Hanna Whitehead:

We are in awe of how Hanna Whitehead explores shapes, materials and colours in a playful and quirky way.