Inspired by nature

At The Ode To we are always curious to learn more about creativity and artistry, so we asked Anna Grahn to tell us a little bit about her life, her art and her sources of inspiration.

What do you call your series of artworks?

– The name of the series is “Crossings”, deriving from the characteristics of each piece. I’ve used a crawl glaze to create a delta like pattern that can be viewed as a river-or road crossing. The crossings can also be found in the multiple openings of the vessels. Energy and air can travel through the vessel and cross inside.

What inspired you to create the artworks you have made for The Ode To?

– I’m constantly inspired by nature. In this series of vessels, signs of nature are visible through organic shapes, patterns and textures. To push the boundaries of the material and its bearing properties has also been a source of inspiration.

Name an artist that you admire?

– It's hard to name just one, I’d say Anabelí Brancusi. Her exploration of the female body and women’s inner strength, whilst pushing the boundaries by building on such a large scale, is very inspiring to me.

Can you tell us about your background and how you came to be an artist?

– I discovered ceramics for the first time in 2019, at my good friend's studio in Stockholm. Shortly after, I attended ceramic courses and joined a shared ceramic workspace. At the time, I was working in the advertisement industry but in 2021 I decided to quit my job and start my own ceramic company. I’ve always found the tactility in working with ceramics soothing – a welcomed contrast to the stressful computer driven environment that the advertising industry is. Until today, I have not once regretted my decision.

I'm originally from Dalarna and I spent big parts of my childhood at my grandmother's cabin in the forests of northern Sweden, in the mountains skiing or hiking, in the garden exploring or in the lakes swimming. In some way, I was always close to nature, and I believe that’s the reason why nature is my main source of inspiration.

How would you describe your art and aesthetics in three words?

– Organic, wonky, playful.

What we love about Anna Grahn:

There’s a certain sensibility and playfulness, paired with great craftsmanship, to the art of Anna Grahn that we simply adore.